Golf Handicap Manager
Graphical Handicap Trend
All the tools and statistics
you need to improve your golf handicap. Record your tee-to-green
golf game and identify areas to concentrate on.
By knowing your handicap, and re-calculating it on a regular
basis you can play against
other golfers in a fair and equitable way.
Your golf handicap indicates the standard you are playing
to and is a useful indication of your golfing standard,
allowing you to set yourself a standard to achieve.
Getting Started
Simply register,
and enter your handicap to start tracking it.
No handicap? Just enter 3 cards to calculate your handicap.
Printable Handicap certificate.
We provide the ability for you to print a record of your
handicap certificate, as proof of your playing standard.
Course Handicap
We show you your handicap for each course you play.
Handicap Calculation
Your handicap is recalculated each time you play.
After entering
a score you will be shown your gross and net
score and the handicap calculation for that round.